AmigaOS3.5 (884/967)

From:Alan W. Rateliff, II
Date:27 May 2000 at 19:18:04
Subject:System hangs on WB menu selection during icon update

I've noticed something. When I'm working on the Workbench and YAM is checking
email, if I happen to select a menu item at the same time that YAM updates its
dock icon, the whole system hangs.

Initially this only happened with AppMenuCx, but I've tested it with all other
menus now and it is consistant. It's clever timing to duplicate the problem,
but when I'm not trying, it's very easy to accomplish.

I'm not sure if this is a YAM problem or an OS problem. No other program I
use actively updates its dock icon like YAM does.

My system:

A500 w/A501
GVP A530 030/882 w/ 8MB
OS 3.5 BB1
DKB MegAChip
MUI v3.8

Alan W. Rateliff, II - L.I.V.R. // Only Amiga Makes it Possible
(Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) \X/ Power for Creative Minds... Six Degrees of RC5 Team Effort
ICQ# 12889540 -- Forager: Tallahassee's resident Amiga user!
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